Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Our FAQ page is centered around the most commonly asked questions by our customers. We are always more than willing to answer any questions that may arise about our products. If the question you need answered is not listed, please give us a call, and we will assist in providing answers.

Can I order directly through the manufacturer?

Can I order a stationary feeder instead of a portable?

Can I get a ball hitch on a portable instead of a pin hitch?

Can I order replacement parts for my feeder or bulk bin?

Can I just order the creep gates?

Does the portable bulk bin have lights?

Are the bulk bins highway safe?

Can I fill my creep feeder with the creep pens up?

Can I convert my old feeder to utilize new creep gates?

Is the tongue attached to the axle?

Can you assist me with the size of feeder I need?

Are my creep gates supposed to touch the ground?

Our Partners

MFA Company Logo
Tennesse Co-op Logo
Alabama Farmers Cooperatives Logo
SSC Logo